Sunday, December 29, 2019
The American Dream By James Truslow Adams - 1707 Words
The American Dream, coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931, had been a popular term that had; given motivation to the dissatisfied, reduced the influence of race and one’s social position on achieving their goals, advertised America as a land that offered an abundant amount of possibilities that no other country could match, and unified the country under the same desire of wealth and prosperity, even in times of great despair. Adams had constructed the idea, â€Å"...that American dream of a better, richer, and happier life for all our citizens of every rank†(Kamp), as the base of the American Dream. This dream started with the Puritans’ impartial nature and desire to flee the religious persecution they fought in England, to a new land of freedom. However the Declaration of Independence was what really drove this concept of equal opportunities for all men (Kamp). It gave white males proof of equivalence to his other white brethrens, while initiating the ideology t hat other races and genders could take part of the movement of equal opportunities. However, as generations passed, the American Dream did not necessarily disappear, but shifted towards a more materialistic perspective of success. With the optimistic belief that hard work is directly associated with prosperity, many citizens and immigrants are disheartened when they realize the ignored truth behind the American Dream. Anyone who resides in the United States is promised opportunities to a, â€Å"‘better and richer life’... butShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream By James Truslow Adams1243 Words  | 5 Pagesspike in questionable practices further withheld the American Dream from those wishing to achieve it the way it was intended, through hard work and perseverance. In 1931, James Truslow Adams defined the American Dream, â€Å"life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†, regardless of one s class or circumstances of birth. More and more people were being denied the American Dream every, yet they still strived to make something ofRead MoreThe American Dream By James Truslow Adams1130 Words  | 5 Pagesof the American Dream. The American Dream has changed dramatically over the few centuries. During the Founding Fathers’ time, many believed the American Dream meant freedom, equality, and mutual respect. Time has changed this ideology of the American Dream, which is now seen as owning a million dollar mansion with multiple luxury cars. This isn’t the case for many immigrants who come to the Americas to have a better life for themselves and their family. To many of them, the American Dream is as simpleRead MoreJames Truslow Adams : The American Dream1800 Words  | 8 PagesThe American Dream The American Dream was something everyone wanted to achieve in the 1930’s; however, many people did not get there because they either gave up, or did not find what they were looking for. Many people were just looking to get away and find their own happiness so they made their own American Dream. As historian James Adams said ... a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest statureRead MoreThe American Dream By James Truslow Adams Essay1886 Words  | 8 PagesJames Truslow Adams in 1931 coined the term â€Å"The American Dream†in his book The Epic of America (Michels, n.d., para. 1). He wrote of an America that offered freedom of religion, and speech, as well as political and social opportunities that few other countries offered. However, according to Eva Michels, â€Å"The American Dream†means something different for each individual, it refers to the way of li fe that Americans strive for and have equal rights to achieve regardless of social class or nationalityRead MoreThe American Dream By James Truslow Adams803 Words  | 4 PagesThe term â€Å" The American Dream†can be coined to historian James Truslow Adams in the early 1930’s. Adams believed that the true commitment for the American society was based of material success that was obtained by individual competition of the citizens. Furthermore, stating that the American citizens had been conditioned to desire success, with an honest belief that it was possible for one to achieve it. This was possible because the very principles that American society represented, helped eachRead MoreThe American Dream By James Truslow Adams1500 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Dream is the sole reason that millions of people decided to come to this country, whether it be generations ago, or last week. But even so, this shared dream faces problems. To solve the problem, the American Dream has to be defined. James Truslow Adams, author of the 1931 book The Epic of America, was the first person to mention and therefore define the American Dream. He established it as: â€Å"[T]hat dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, withRead MoreJames Truslow Adams And The American Dream1392 Words  | 6 Pages While the idea of the American Dream became more popular during the 17th to 20th centuries, the achievability remained elusive due to a static and hierarchical social order that prevailed throughout this time. Thus, the tireless claims of the New Left for a reformed society are supported by the unchanging accessibility of the American Dream. In his book The Epic of America (1931), James Truslow Adams defined the American Dream as â€Å"that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer andRead MoreJames Truslow Adams And The American Dream1371 Words  | 6 Pagesand dreams. Although this is a simple concept, how one must work to achieve these goals is much more complicated. Everyone is born into a different situation and the opportunities they are exposed to differ depending on the person. The original idea of the â€Å"American Dream†supported the idea that all American citizens are able to obtain a better life than they are currently living; however, that idea is continuously changing and many interpret their own dream in different ways. James Truslow AdamsRead MoreThe American Dream By James Truslow Adams1406 Words  | 6 PagesThis so called, â€Å"American dream.†Is it still around, waiting to be achieved by those who work hard enough? Is it effectively dead, killed off by the Great Recession and the economic struggling that many Americans have come to face in this day and age? There are alarming instances and facts, including trillions of dollars lost in the stock market (Paradise, 2009). These losses combined with the unquestionably high unemployment in the past few years, have contributed to seemingly dismal prospectsRead MoreThe American Dream By James Truslow Adams1577 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Dream Lives On Since 1776, the â€Å"American Dream†has continued to evolve. Originally, our forefathers intended the American Dream to be a country where individuals were free from the tyranny of royalty and nobility, working as a part of a whole, making everyone comfortable and happy - all men created equal with equal opportunity. Over the years, this original intent has continued to change. In 1931, James Truslow Adams stated that the American Dream means that, â€Å"life should be better
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Online Transaction Processing System - 4954 Words
What is an OLTP System? Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems are one of the most common data processing systems in todays enterprises. Classical examples of OLTP systems are order entry, retail sales, and financial transaction systems. OLTP systems are primarily characterized through a specific data usage that is different from data warehousing environments, yet some of the characteristics, such as having large volumes of data and lifecycle-related data usage and importance, are identical. The main characteristics of an OLTP environment are: * Short response time The nature of OLTP environments is predominantly any kind of interactive ad hoc usage, such as telemarketeers entering telephone survey results. OLTP systems require†¦show more content†¦A partition management operation generates less redo than the equivalent DML operations. * Potential higher concurrency through elimination of hot spots A common scenario for OLTP environments is to have monotonically increasing index values that are used to enforce primary key constraints, thus creating areas of high concurrency and potential contention: every new insert tries to update the same set of index blocks. Partitioned indexes, in particular hash-partitioned indexes, can help to alleviate this situation. Online transaction processing has become the order of the day. Online transaction processing undergoes constant improvisation and change to stay in tune with the market demands. Online transaction processing is said to be the key factor in deciding a companys stake in the market for the competitors may otherwise have an edge because online transaction processing services cater to a global audience. The trends in online transaction processing are improving day after day. Online transaction processing enables internet based applications to function in an efficient manner. When applications are dealing with online details transaction processing helps in providing the required information in the form of input and deriving the results by carrying out the operations in the form of output. They are used in most of the business in theShow MoreRelatedNotes On Productivity And Performance Management1265 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent places such as Human Resources, or Radiology. The data is also stored in different format. They may also be in different computer systems for instance data is housed in the Human Resource computer system, clinical system, billing department system, and those that are in the administrative system. With advanced technology, there are even more systems that house data such as your smart phone and fitness monitors. The ability to gather the information from all the various sources, and formatsRead MoreInformation On Line Transact ion Processing989 Words  | 4 PagesETL Overview Within an enterprise there are various different applications and data sources which have to be integrated together to enable Data Warehouse to provide strategic information to support decision-making. On-line transaction processing (OLTP) and data warehouses cannot coexist efficiently in the same database environment since the OLTP databases maintain current data in great detail whereas data warehouses deal with lightly aggregated and historical data. Extraction, Transformation, andRead MoreIst Quiz 1 Essay2291 Words  | 10 PagesChapter 1 1. Organizations use computers and information systems to reduce costs and gain a(n) ________ in the marketplace. a. Marketing advantage b. Competitive disadvantage c. Quality advantage d. Competitive advantage 2. ________ provides historical, current, and predictive views of business operations and environments and gives organizations a competitive advantage in the marketplace. a. Competitive intelligence b. Computer literacy c. Business intelligenceRead MoreComparing Relational Database And Data Storage Essay907 Words  | 4 Pagesline transactions and a data warehouse optimized for processing and summarizing large amounts of data. Next this author will outline the difference database requirements for operational data for decision support data. Next this paper will describe three example in which databases could be used to support decision making in a large organizational environment. Lastly this author will describe three other examples in which data warehoused and data mining could be used to support data processing andRead MoreAnalysis Of Oracle And Sap Hana2383 Words  | 10 Pagesis very basic and not advanced. But SAP HANA provides advanced security features without any cost. Oracle provides data availability and security as extra cost options. SAP HANA provides the following security features: SAP HANA Studio: Production System Warning, New kind of alert for Password Expiration, User nam es in Unicode, Encryption, audit logging, Authentication and Authorization. SAP HANA protects data through Persistence, High availability, Disaster Tolerance, Disaster Recovery. Oracle claimsRead MoreData Warehousing Concepts, Products And Applications877 Words  | 4 Pages products and applications by C.S.R. Prabhu. Mainly, the text book gives the information about the data model, online analytical processing systems and tools, data warehouse architecture, data mining algorithms, organizational issues of the data warehouse, data warehouse segmentation, Application of data mining and data warehousing. Firstly, the book describes Data Warehouse is a system where it is used for reporting the data from the wide range of the sources and indeed it helps the company to guideRead MoreElectronic Data Processing Systems1527 Words  | 7 PagesElectronic Data Processing Systems Chapter 6 Learning Objective 1 Describe how application controls are used in data processing systems to ensure accuracy and integrity. Manual Input System In some computerized accounting systems, inputs to the system are based on handwritten or typed source documents. These documents are then collected and forwarded to computer operations for error checking and processing. Preparation and Completion of the Source Document Source documents, such as customerRead MoreA Brief Note On Online Payment Processing Solution Essay1334 Words  | 6 Pagesapplication has an integrated billing solution then you ll also need a payment gateway. Which is an online payment processing solution that allows you to link the client s payment account with their application or software account. Allowing the client s credit account details to be far more secure than if they would be if they were sent online. Making Payment Easier An online payment processing solution greatly improves the ease of payment via credit cards. Customers will no longer have to makeRead MoreAssignment 3 Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses752 Words  | 4 Pagesstructures of a relational database optimized for online transactions versus a data warehouse optimized for processing and summarizing large amounts of data Data Warehouse is a database which is designed to process for query and analysis rather than for transaction processing, and it is usually contains historical data derived from transaction data, but can include data from other sources while relational database optimized for online transaction which includes insertions, updates and deletion. Read MoreQuestions On Batch Processing And Online Processing1325 Words  | 6 Pagesdifference between batch processing and online processing. A. Batch Processing Online Processing 1. In this processing method all tasks are performed as a batch. Means all transactions are grouped and executed at one time. 2. Here in this type of processing records or reports of those transactions are available after processing the batch only. 3. All records are updated into master databases after batch processing. Before processing we will not get any reports
Thursday, December 12, 2019
It Use to Be Green Once free essay sample
It use to be green once. Patricia grace Short story Explain why you learned something from this relationship in the text(s) In the Short story It Use To Be Green Once by Patricia Grace is a short story that I enjoyed toughly not just because it was a story I could relate to , but impractically because of the mother in the short story. I enjoyed reading about the way she handled her whanu (family) , the way she acts towards others, her positive attitude , the way she showed love towards others and finally because of the fact she never changed despite winning the lottery. I enjoyed reading It Use To Be Green Once because the mother had a strong relationship with her whanu (family) , but also with her community as well . For example when ever mum would go shopping she would not only buy her family’s groceries , but she would drive the street and people would call out there list of the food supply’s they needed. We will write a custom essay sample on It Use to Be Green Once or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mum would memorise it and so there shopping too. â€Å" A sac of spuds†one would call and mum would toot the horn to show that she understood. Secondly I enjoyed reading about the way mum treated others. The relationship she had with her community was a close and tight relationship. â€Å"Everybody knew mums car and knew to move to the side when they saw it come down the roadâ€Å". Mum let anyone in her car ,She would honk the horn and shout â€Å"your gonna have to run then jump in†. This was because her brakes weren’t working. This was enjoyable to read about as it told the reader what type of women she was. Thirdly I enjoyed reading about the mums positive attitude that she had with others. â€Å"When I was your age I use to go swimming in the nude†. Although Mum knew she wasn’t rich she still tried her best to keep the family positive , although the children were embarrassed by her actions and by what she made them wear. Mum tried to always have a positive attitude . Mums attitude to show her kids that money isn’t everything. Mums attitude towards her kids tell the reader that mum is the type who makes do of what she has and never lets materialistic things get to her. Fourthly I enjoyed reading about mum and the relationship she shared because of the love she showed others. When they had won the lottery mum would pick up other people who wanted to do their shopping to in her brand new car and take them with her. This painted a picture in the readers head that mum is a loving person and now that she has the money she is able to do more to show love towards her community. The relationship between mum and the community was a relationship valued by her community and herself. Finally, the fact that Mum never changed despite her family winning the lottery . Mum never changed so did dad†, although winning the lottery meant that they would be able to enhance their relationship with the community as they would be able to offer more. Mum not changing implied to the reader that she was true to who she was. The most important thing I have learnt from this short story , mainly the relationship mum had with everyone, was to stay true to who I am and that money and materialistic things are not important. The greatest message I took from this short story is that materialistic things do not change a person but the person that changes itself .
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