Monday, January 6, 2020
Roles And Roles Of Gender Roles Essay - 985 Words
Roles in gender has to be determined before we are even born. Once a child’s sex is revealed, he or she will be placed into certain roles. Before we are even determined to be a male or female, we received 23 chromosomes from each parent. Of the 46 chromosomes, 45 are unisex. It is not determined until the six week which chromosome takes over and determines the sex of the child. As children get older, it becomes noticeable the differences that occur. It has been shown that women will mature quicker than men. A woman will develop their puberty about two years before a man. Also, they will live about five years longer than a male. As men and women entering early adulthood, certain physical and emotional aspects become prevalent. In women, after reaching an orgasm, they can become sexually aroused almost instantaneously. In a saddening statistic, men are four times likely to commit suicide and exhibit alcohol disorders. In males, aggression is more likely to be showed in a physica l manner, whereas a female will likely to spread gossip instead showing a physical aggression. By the age of 11 in females and 12 in males, it is shown that women will start to exhibit feelings in a sexual manner earlier than a male. As the body changes, characteristics become noticeable. In nonproductive traits in females, they develop in their breasts and in the hips. As for males, they start to develop facial hair and a noticeable drop in the voice. Culture plays in what type of rolesShow MoreRelatedGender Roles And Gender Role844 Words  | 4 PagesGender Roles can be defined as roles society expects people to play on account of their sex life. Like all roles, gender roles are made up of sets of expectations, so they can be thought of as sets of expirations, so they can be thought of as sets of expectation that are attached to sex.(pp: 220 John E. Farley Michael W. Flota). 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